How to prepare your child for eisteddfods

How to prepare your child for eisteddfods
September 16th, 2015, kathryn Chao, 1 Comment

I often ask my 8yr old dancer this question - especially a few days before her eisteddfod. It is a crucial time for her to reflect why she performs. I often remind her that performance gives her the opportunity to put into practice all of those hours of training and rehearsal, and provide the opportunity to showcase the best she can be. I would also remind her that true success is not measured in trophies and results, but rather the feeling of accomplishment from giving it all. It is not so much as winning.

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I do not try to dance better than anyone else. I only try to dance better than myself" - Mikhail Baryshnikov

Performances can also be a time that is filled with mixed emotions both positive and negative. Positive as in taking the time to prepare thoroughly and stay focus. Negative as in what if a dance forgot the routine half way through the performance?

Eisteddfods provide an opportunity to demonstrate passion, professionalism and maturity, qualities that will prepare performers for a successful career not only in the performing arts industry, but also provide great life lessons as well

Stress and Pressure:

It is an absolute norm to feel stress and pressure to perform well. The most common signs are:

  • Getting butterflies in stomach
  • Feeling sick
  • Poor sleep and struggling to get out of bed
  • Low motivation level
  • Getting butterflies in stomach

How does a dancer overcome the stress level?

I often remind my daughter that this is only a small part of her life and the feeling won't last forever (even though she doesn’t feel like it at the time!). I also provide words of encouragement! Go out there and enjoy yourself. Have fun on stage no matter what happens!

Positive words to my daughter for preparing her eisteddfods:

  • Attend all rehearsals
  • Go through the routine in your mind
  • Listen to the music as you practice
  • Ask questions on the techniques that you are not sure of
  • Watch over your rehearsal videos on the ipad or ipod

Evening before the eisteddfod

  • Often she will have pasta or eat something healthy
  • Unwind and try to relax a few hours before hitting the pillow
  • Sleep early! Getting sufficient amount of sleep is crucial

On the day of the eisteddfod

  • Have a light meal especially if she needs to be on stage early in the morning
  • Arrive at the venue on time to avoid the stress
  • Warm up and stretch
  • A quick rehearsal (if possible) before getting on stage

During the eisteddfod

  • Remain calm and think positive
  • Try to relax your arms and body as this could affect your techniques
  • Carry on and dance if you happen to make a mistake on stage
  • A quick rehearsal (if possible) before getting on stage

Last but not least, I tell my daughter everytime before she gets on stage, “Do your best and enjoy the experience”.

I hope this article provides you with more insights in preparing for your next eisteddfods.

Best of luck and remember, HAVE FUN no matter what happens!